Kids really do say the darndest things!


I have noticed some of the crazy, random and incredibly funny things Cade has said lately.  Some of them are too good to let slip by, so I'm choosing to document them here!  Enjoy!

After stopping for ice cream at McDonalds (after being so brave at his "emergency" dentist appointment...haha)

Cade     Hey, where's my toy?
Bre       We just got ice cream this time.  We didn't get a happy meal.
Cade     Did we get a sad meal?

He's since then said this a few more times when told that we're only getting one or two specific things at McDonalds.

At Target in the baby section...

Cade     (pointing at a billboard display) Mom, is that a girl baby or a boy baby?
Bre       Well, I think it's a boy baby.
Cade     But it has girl eyes.
Bre        You mean the long eye lashes?  Well, some boys have long eye lashes and
            not all girls have long eye lashes.
Cade     Like you, Mom?

....thanks, Cade!

To anything that's annoying or weird to him...

"That's freakin me out!" or "That freaks me out!"

I have no idea where he got it really, although he says that I say it.  I have yet to catch myself say this!

Cade & Macy are running around the living room.  He's somewhat whining, but I can tell nothing is really wrong.  Cade runs by the kitchen (where I am), opens the gate, Macy runs right in and he slams the gate shut behind her.  "What are you doing?" I ask.  Cade replies, "I don't want her chasin' me.  It's freakin' me out!" :)